Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Spirit of Unexpected Peace 

Matthew 28:16-20

We are called to heal the brokenhearted, care f
or the earth, and work for peace in the world. This commission comes to us in baptism.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Spirit of Unexpected Peace 

John 20:19-23

The Spirit from Jesus is a pure gift that creates peace, and peace creates mission.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

God Doesn’t Do Magic 

John 17:1-11

Being in the world means bad things will happen to us. Crosses aren’t special charms that keep evil away, and wearing one won’t keep you from harm.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Life with the Spirit

John 14:15-21

Jesus’ command to love God and our neighbor isn’t a fee we have to pay for the Spirit to spend time with us. It is our response to the powerful good news that the Spirit is with us forever.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Are You New Here? 

John 14:1-14

Living out our understandings of Jesus as the way, truth, and life is a collective act, not an individual one.

A Fiercely Tender Love  Mark 1:29-39 Jesus’ power over the demons is so complete that he doesn’t even permit them to speak. What are the dem...